Work package 1
A place-based analysis of population-level linkages between natural environments, health inequality, deprivation and green space usage

Aims and approach

Work package 1 took an epidemiological approach to investigating and evidencing the relationship between urban natural environments and health and wellbeing in Sheffield, focusing especially on the links between the characteristics of urban natural environments and health and wellbeing outcomes, and the way this plays out within differing socio-economic population groups.

Our approach addressed both indirect exposure to natural environments (incidental contact as part of the activities of daily living), and direct exposure (level of opportunity to visit natural environments and actual visits).

Work package 1 generated the evidence base for green blue infrastructure planning in work package 4. It also informed the sampling strategy for WP2 and provided the platform for subsequent geo-referenced work in work packages 2 and 3, as well as for the app that formed one of the overall project outputs.


  • App platform for further development in subsequent work packages.

  • Stakeholder briefing report profiling the relationship between the coverage, distribution and quality of natural environments in Sheffield and population health and wellbeing, deprivation and access to natural environments.


Dr Meghann Mears

Dr Paul Brindley

Professor Ravi Maheswaran

Dr Anna Jorgensen